I had a whole line up of posts for the week, but the devastating events that occurred in Tuscaloosa has truly changed my life forever. Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, and help in anyway. I am truly blessed to be alive today and thank God for keeping his hand on us. Tuscaloosa is such a strong community and I pray that we stay committed and I am confident we will get through this. If you want to help in anyway, follow one of the links below or text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.00.
Toomer's for Tuscaloosa
Memorial Day Weekend In Tuscaloosa
Ashley Harrison Shelter/Building
Ways to Help Tornado Victims
I know many church's and organizations are holding blood drives, clothing, and item drives. We thank you so much for your support. Anything you might have is absolutely needed and much appreciated. You are truly a blessing.