Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Roundup + Giveaway Winner

I had such a wonderful weekend with the engaged couple and their friends! Although my trip was quick, it was well spent with lots of laughter, hearing stories of their glory college days {hello mischief and fraternity parties}, and good ole southern BBQ. Not to mention going to bed super late and waking up to a chippy Jesse blaring Party In the USA at 8:00 am.
Here are a few pictures I snapped from the shower. . .
they're getting married!

People say we look like twins, I don't see it.

Jesse had some infamous stories he was telling during trivia. I believe this one was about his intense intramural football games and all his touchdowns.

Oh hey pretty bride-to-be
And after a beautiful drive home with the sun out and windows down {hello spring weather, you are gladly welcomed back!}, I had the pleasure of joining a friend/co-worker Anna at her parents house for dinner. Let me tell you, her Dad can cook! The menu: crab cake stuffed tilapia, roasted vegetables, rice with a bean-like something that was delicious, and her mom made homemade angel food cake and strawberry ice cream. Seriously, I am in food coma. With wine, entertaining conversation {her Dad is from Panama and has some remarkable stories about the culture and his father}, and a house that is beautifully decorated from pieces mostly made in Panama, it was a great end to the weekend.
Congratulations to April G for winning the first Blake Collection giveaway all thanks to Shabby Apple! You'll be getting an email from me today : ) And thank you to the rest of the entries, fingers crossed for next time!

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