A bedroom should be peaceful and serene, a room to escape the craziness of the rest of the house. You all should know by now I'm a sucker for brick, and let's face it, what's better than brick in your bedroom. It adds an interesting element in the room don't you think?!

My brother Josh played in his high school jamboree in just so happened to be in Tuscaloosa! Luckily I was off from work and school hadn't started then, so I went with some friends to show some support! Can't believe he's that much taller than me . . . I think he grew a foot over the summer!

Celebrated Chelsea's birthday last week! Remember when we had our first roomie pic taken?! , not to mention my first blog post! Crazy that was 3 years ago!
Sweet friends!
At Tara's going away party . . . she's off to Spain for the semester studying abroad!!!! Incredibly jealous and can't wait to hear all about it when she gets back! Visit her blog to see her amazing adventure overseas!
Our good friend Tyler hosted a huge cookout this past Saturday. Unfortunately he was being perfect host and couldn't get him in the photo, but here is the only one I took. Seriously have got to get better about taking more pictures this year, I mean it is our last year all together! Please forgive the two boys in the back, they are Auburn friends, Blake and Brent.